The government of Pakistan is looking to hire professional or qualified staff for the departments of Punjab police under the police reforms plan. According to the latest announcement of Punjab Police jobs 2020, 10,633 vacancies are open for merit-based selection. Moreover, some other reforms have been taken according to which 548 new mobiles are also arranged for patrolling. The development of almost 45 police stations is also done. Proper buildings for almost 101 police stations are arranged.
List of All the Latest Punjab Police Jobs 2020 Under Police Reforms Action
See all the mentioned posts of the latest jobs in Punjab Police and choose your best one:
- Punjab Police Inspector Jobs 2020
Punjab police are inviting applications for the position of inspector. All the applicants who are willing to serve them for Punjab police as an inspector they are suggested to get all the entry requirements or eligibility criteria of job and then go to apply. The post of the inspector is a reasonable position that does not only offer a good income to the applicants but they can also get the respect and authority to make changes in the department and to reform the nation.
- Punjab Police Sub-Inspector Jobs 2020
After the inspector, the position of the sub-inspector is another reasonable position in the police department. All the interested applicants are informed that in the list of Latest jobs in Punjab Police, the job opportunities for the post of sub-inspector are also announced. Applicants can find the complete detail of the job regarding the number of posts, eligibility criteria, deadline, etc. here at ready.pk.
- Punjab Police Assistant Sub Inspector Jobs 2020
The Punjab police are also accepting applications for assistant sub-inspector in 2020. All the interested applicants are informed that the selection process will only be processed on the merit base. So, you have to take care of all the instructions that are mentioned to win this position. Punjab police department is offering the best salary packages and other perks to the position of assistant sub-inspector. Moreover, for an assistant sub-inspector, there are also opportunities for career development come to see. Once get all the requirements and then go to apply.
- Punjab Police Constable Jobs
Punjab Police Constable jobs have also announced at the beginning of 2020. Punjab police are inviting applications for the position of constable to the candidates who are interested and are qualified for this position. Applicants who want to know the eligibility criteria for being qualified for this position can find the complete job description here. Applicants are suggested that the position will be offered only on the merit base. So, apply only when if you are eligible for the position of Constable jobs. Because the position will be earned after going through a heavy competition.
- Punjab Police Computer Operator Jobs 2020
Other than uniform personnel, the Punjab police are also accepting applications of the civilians. Among the civilians, the best position is the computer operator. All the interested applicants are informed that this is the time to make your dreams true. Applicants with the relevant educational background and with the relevant working experience will be preferred for this position. Moreover, you are suggested that before going to apply, make sure that you are fulfilling all the asked requirements. Otherwise, your application will not be entertained because the position will be offered to qualified applicants.
- Punjab Police Driver Jobs 2020
Applicants who are looking for the position of driver are informed that Punjab police is also accepting applications for the position of drivers. Applicants with relevant working experience will be considered for this position. So, make sure that you are fulfilling all the requirements that are asked by the department. Applicants would also call to appear for the practical examination of driving.
- Punjab Police Naib Qasid Jobs 2020
The position of Naib Qasid is another considerable position in the department of Punjab police. Applicants with the relevant educational background and relevant experience are generally considered for this position. However, further details regarding entry requirement, age limit, and application deadline, etc. you can find through ready.pk.
Final Thoughts
All the interested applicants who want to join Punjab police to serve them for their country or nation are offered the Punjab Police jobs 2020. There are almost 07 positions are, currently, announced. Applicants are also offered the general descriptions of all these announced position. Applicants who are worried about the application process of these positions, they can apply through ready.pk. However, for any other update regarding all the private jobs in Pakistan 2020 and all the Government jobs in Pakistan 2020 keep visiting ready.pk.