Federal Public Service Commission CSS Datesheet
Every year Federal Public Service Commission conducts the Central Superior Service (CSS) in order to recruit officer level jobs from (BPS-17 to BPS-22). The CSS Competitive Examination comprises of Written Examination, Medical Examination, Psychological Assessment followed by an interview and further procedure.
CSS eligibility Criteria 2020
Qualifying Criteria Of Written Test
The candidate who qualifies in the written test must secure at least 40% marks in the compulsory subjects. In any of the optional subjects, the candidate must secure more than 33% marks. However, the candidate must have 50% marks in the Aggregate. By following these criteria the candidate will only be eligible to appear for further medical examination along with physical test and Psychological Assessment. It is compulsory for all candidates to pass the written test in order to proceed with the further process including Medical Examination, Psychological Assessment.
Age Limit Criteria For CSS
The applicant must have an age limit of 21 years to 30 years maximum. However, 2 years of age relaxation will be given to the candidate having scheduled Caste or Buddhist Community along with the applicants who belong to recognized Tribes, Permanent Residents of AJK and Gilgit Baltistan, disabled in Service Government Servants, Armed Forces Personnel, and Contract Employees.
Education Criteria for CSS
The education criteria for CSS is that the candidate must have at least a second division or Grade “C” in a Bachelor’s degree of Pakistani or of a foreign University recognized by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.
However, candidates with thirst division in the Bachelor’s degree will not be allowed to appear in the CSS exam but only in case of a Master’s degree if the candidate obtains First division only then he/she will be given chance to appear on the CSS examination.
Nationality & Domicile
The applicant must be a citizen of Pakistan or the State of Jammu and Azad Kashmir. In case of a person who is married to a person holding Pakistani nationality will not be allowed to appear in CSS examination.
Applicants who are applying on Provincial/Regional Quotas are ought to submit the domicile certificate of the respective region.
CSS Written Examination Pattern
- The CSS examination includes compulsory and optional subjects for written examination which consist of a total of 1200 marks. Some Subject consists of 200 marks and there are two subjects that carry 100 marks. For written examination, the total duration of 3 hours is given to the candidates.
- In the written test, there are some objective type questions including MCQs in compulsory and optional papers except in the papers of Essay, Applied Mathematics, and Pure Mathematics.
- The candidate must know that the question papers in Urdu or other Pakistani regional languages should be answered in the respective language such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi language.
- However, the Persian and Arabic language question papers should be answered in the respective languages. There will be some questions of these languages including the English translation so in such question candidates must follow the question type and solve accordingly.
- The written test comprising questions in Islamic Studies or Comparative Study of Major Religions is to be answered in English or Urdu language only.
- For other papers candidate is ought to answer in the English language otherwise the candidate will score zero if he/she fails to follow the given instructions of the question paper.
- For Non-Muslim applicants, there is an option between Islamic Studies or Comparative Study of Major Religions.
- It is mandatory to pass all the compulsory subjects for each candidate and in case the candidate does not appear in any of the compulsory/optional subjects will not be allowed to appear in the remaining papers of the Examination.
CSS Examination Datesheet 2020
Al interested candidates who have applied for the upcoming CSS exam are informed that the Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan (FPSC) has recently announced Central Superior Service (CSS) examination datesheet on 31st December 2019. The Competitive examination session is going to start from Wednesday 12th February 2020.
Compulsory Subjects/Optional Subjects Datesheet
The Datesheet has been divided into two sections. The first section comprises Compulsory Subjects which includes English, General Knowledge (Pakistan Affairs), General knowledge (Current Affairs) and Islamic Studies. The compulsory subject exam will be held until Friday 14th February 2020. The second section comprises of Optional Subjects including Accounting & auditing, Computer Science, zoology, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry, and many other subjects. The optional subject examination session will remain until Thursday 20th February 2020.
CSS Examination Test Centre
All candidates must carefully select their written examination‘s centre. Once the test centre selected by the candidate he will not be able to change it in any case unless allowed by the Commission or a committee thereof on an application made in this behalf by the candidate.