Job Advertisement on 19-Jul-2023 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 19-Jul-2023
Last Date to Apply 03-Aug-2023
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Chief Executive Officer 1 Bachelors N/A Permanent N/A
Post Qualfication and Expereince
Chief Executive Officer The candidates must possess bachelor's degree in Electrical/ Electronics Engineering from a university recognized by the Higher
Education Commission in engineering, business/public administration, management, economics or finance on the closing date
will be given additional weightage. The candidate must possess at least 20 years post qualification including at least
10 years working experience in power sector with 3 years in senior management positions


Job Advertisement on 04-Apr-2023 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 04-Apr-2023
Last Date to Apply 19-Apr-2023
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Chief Internal Auditor 1 Others N/A Permanent N/A
Post Qualfication and Experience Age Limit
Chief Internal Auditor  Member of a recognized body of professional accountants or certified internal auditor or certified fraud examiner
or certified internaal control auditor or person holding a masters degree in finance from a university recognized by the higher education commission. Candidate must have maximum 5 years of relevant post qualification experience at mid levels audit positions in government/ semi govt. organization/ corporations/ autonomous bodies or large commerical organizations or large public limited companies of repute.
Upto 50 years


Job Advertisement on 16-Jan-2023 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 16-Jan-2023
Last Date to Apply 31-Jan-2023
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Chief Risk Officer HESCO 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A
Post Qualfication and Experience Age Limit

Chief Risk Officer HESCO

Master's degree in accounting, business administration, finance, risk management, or equivalent from a university recognized by the Higher education commission of Pakistan with at least 10 years of experience in risk management

Upto 45 years on the closing date for submission of application


Job Advertisement on 25-Oct-2022 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 10
Advertisement Date 25-Oct-2022
Last Date to Apply 07-Nov-2022
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Asstt; Manager Commerical Revenue Officer 10 Masters N/A Permanent N/A
Post Qualification and Experience Age Limit
Asstt; Manager Commerical Revenue Officer MBA/M.Com/MSc Computer Science/MSc/ MA (Statistics/ Math's/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career or a 4 years / 8 semester Honors Degree in above disciplines from any HEC recognized university.

The candidate must be capable of operating computer with special emphasis on windows and MS Office

 21-33 years


Job Advertisement on 21-Mar-2022 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 21-Mar-2022
Last Date to Apply 05-Apr-2022
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Director General 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A

Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Ltd. (Company) is a power distribution company fully owned by Government of Pakistan with a work force of more than 10000 employees and a network of transmission lines upto 132 KV, Sub- Stations, High/Low Tension Lines/Feeders. It is providing electricity to more than one million consumers of 13 districts of Southern Sindh (except Karachi). It is now establishing a new department MIRAD for performing jobs under Competitive Trading Bilateral Contract Management (CTBM) which is to be headed by Director General (MIRAD).

HESCO is an equal opportunity employer which is seeking suitable candidate for the position of Director General Market Implementation and Regulatory Affairs Department (MIRAD) to be based at HESCO Head Office Hyderabad. The prospective candidates are expected to be dynamic, having proven track record of integrity, legal & contract management and should be a leader with a vision to deliver in the challenging work environment meeting the following criteria.


Bachelor or equivalent degree in Engineering / Finance / Accounting / Law I Management Sciences from reputable HEC recognized universities. Master Degree will be an added advantage.


Minimum 15-Years of total experience including 10-Years in Power Sector. The candidate should possess strong knowledge on the technical, commercial and financial matters of the utility business/power sector along with regulatory affairs, contract management and legal issues. Knowledge of competitive electricity markets will be an added advantage.


Age Limit as on closing date:

Up-to 55 years at the time of submission of application.

Nature of Employment

The employment shall be on contract for an initial period of three (3) years, with annual performance evaluation to be conducted by the Board of Directors HESCO.

Pay & Allowances:

Market based pay will be offered.

How to Apply:

  1. The candidates meeting the above criteria may send the signed application along with attested copies of all educational/experience & other related documents which must reach to the below mentioned address through registered postal / courier service upto 05.04.2022 (Copies of degrees I testimonials must be duly verified by the Higher Education Commission or the professional body or association, whichever is relevant).
  2. Application form can be downloaded from HESCO website (
  3. Application incomplete in any respect or received after due date will not be entertained and no claim whatsoever, thereof will be acceptable.

General Instructions:

  1. Candidates already working in Govt: I Semi Govt: / Autonomous Public Organizations can also apply through proper channel along with NOC of their department, issued on its letter head.
  2. Candidates shall be required to produce all the original documents at the time of interview.
  3. HESCO reserves the right to withhold I cancel the whole recruitment process at any stage, without assigning any reason.
  4. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews / selection process.
  5. No TA/DA will be admissible for interview / selection process.

Room No. 118, First Floor, WAPDA Offices Complex, Hussainabad, Hyderabad
Contact No. +92 (22) 9260012 Fax: +92 (22) 9260361

Job Advertisement on 17-Mar-2022 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 17-Mar-2022
Last Date to Apply 31-Mar-2022
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Chief Executive Officer CEO 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A


Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO), a leading Public Sector Utility Company tinder administrative control of Ministry of Energy (Power Division) dealing with distribution of electricity business, operates in 13 Districts of Southern Sindh (excluding Karachi) with a work force of more than 10000 employees. The Company looks for high caliber team leader to work as CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. Who shall be responsible lo manage the affairs of the company as head of management, report to the Board of Directors and to work in close relationship with the Board of Directors for efficient management of the affairs of the company required for turning around the company.

HESCO seeks an exceptional and dynamic professional with demonstrated capacity and potential to lead a public sector company in challenging environment for the incessant growth. The ideal candidate shall he proactive, result-oriented professional with known integrity and proven track-record of credibility and he shall be required to be fully conversant with the corporate environment. Strong leadership, team building, change management, interpersonal and communication skills with high drive for meeting performance targets shall be desirable.


  • The Chief Executive Officer will report to the Board of Directors;
  • Candidate must possess the ability to work as a team-leader to nurture an environment of opportunity for optimum creativeness, sense of responsibility and accomplishment and the candidate must demonstrate expertise to utilize national and international good practices required for operating organization efficiently.
  • The candidate must be thoroughly familiar with the economic, business, social, cultural, legislative, political and regulatory environment in which the company is required to operate.
  • The candidate must have deep understanding of environmental and community relationship essential for utility's growth.
  • Candidate must possess efficient management and team building experience; and have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.


  • The candidate must possess Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with a Master's Degree in Engineering or Business I Public Administration or Management or Economics or Finance on the closing date from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission.
  • The candidate must possess at least 20 years' experience including at least 10 years working in Power Sector with at least 03 years in senior management positions.


  • The candidate on selection shall be entitled to the Pay & Allowances as admissible to MP I Scale (at the initial stage). Hiring shall not be under MP Scale policy. MP-I scale mentioned above is for indicative purpose only.
  • The contract will be awarded initially for a period of three (03) years with annual performance evaluation to be conducted by the Board of Directors HESCO.


  • The prospective candidate must comply with the Fit and Proper Criteria as given in the Public Sector Companies (Appointment of Chief Executive) Guidelines. 2015.
  • The prospective candidate must be a Pakistani citizen.
  • The candidate is expected to be familiar with industry environment with sharp business acumen and the best managerial practices related to power utilities.


  • Applications duly filled in and signed on prescribed format must be forwarded to the Company Secretary HESCO on the given address within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement, but not later than 31st March, 2022 along with the following documents:
    • A declaration on non-judicial stamp paper duly attested by an Oath Commissioner affirming, inter alia, that he/she is not ineligible to act as a Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2017, Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rule 2013. Public Sector Companies (Appointment of Chief Executive) Guidelines. 2015 and other SECP relevant provisions.
    • Copies of degrees I testimonials duly verified by the Higher Education Commission or the professional body or association, whichever is relevant.
    • Detailed CV, 4 passport size photographs.
    • Attested copies of CNIC and experience documents, two works & two personal references.
  • Applications incomplete in any respect or received after due date will not be entertained, and no claim whatsoever thereof will be acceptable.
  • Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview, for which no TA/DA shall be allowed.
  • Application form and Declaration are available on HESCO website (
  • Applications will be treated in strict confidentiality.
  • HESCO reserves the right to withhold I cancel the whole recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reason.

Room No. 301, 3rd Floor, WAPDA Offices Complex, Hussainabad Hyderabad
Contact No. 022-9260017 PBX-022-92601 61 Ext-172

Job Advertisement on 01-Dec-2021 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 13
Advertisement Date 01-Dec-2021
Last Date to Apply 13-Dec-2021
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Deputy Manager 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A
Manager 1 Bachelors N/A Permanent N/A
Assistant Manager 10 Bachelors N/A Permanent N/A
Deputy Manager 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A

Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Ltd. (Company) is a power distribution company fully owned by Government of Pakistan, with a work force of more than 10000 employees and a network of transmission lines upto 132 KV Sub-Stations, High/Low Tension Lines / Feeders. It is providing electricity to more than one million consumers of 13 districts of Southern Sindh (except Karachi). It is now establishing a new department (MIRAD) for performing jobs under CTBM which is to be headed by Director General (MIRAD).

HESCO is seeking suitable candidates for the following positions of Contract Management & Regulatory Affairs under Director General Market Implementation and Regulatory Affairs Department (MIRAD) to be based at HESCO Head Office Hyderabad. The prospective candidates are expected to be dynamic, having proven track record of integrity, legal & contract management and should be a leader with a vision to deliver in the challenging work environment meeting the following criteria:-



  1. The candidates will be offered market based negotiable package.


  1. Application forms are available on HESCO website for the desired post(s) as well as for submission through post along with detailed CV, highlighting the achievements made in the respective areas. together with attested copies of the testimonials & minimum three references along with 2 recent photographs to the undersigned on or before 13.12.2021.
  2. Incomplete applications in any respect or received after due date will not be considered and no claim whatsoever thereof will be acceptable. No application will be accepted by hand.
  3. Candidates already serving in Govt: / Semi-Govt: / Autonomous public organizations are required to mention it clearly and NOC from their parent Deptt: / Organization must be attached
  4. Candidates shall be required to produce all the original documents at the time of interview.
  5. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview & no TA / DA will be admissible in this regard.
  6. Candidates dismissed / terminated from any organization or having criminal record shall not be eligible. A declaration on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- to the above effect should be provided at the time of interview.
  7. The applications submitted by the candidates will be at their own risk & cost. Any information found bogus at any stage, during induction or later on, in service, will result in termination or candidate or employment thereof.
  8. Age relaxation as per policy in vogue in HESCO has already been included in above mentioned age limit and no further age relaxation will be granted in any case.
  9. The above mentioned positions are purely contractual in nature, non-pensionable, no long-term benefits and same shall not be converted into permanent position at any stage.
  10. The appointment will be subject to fulfilment of all the codal / legal / administrative & all other required formalities / requirements.
  11. HESCO reserves the right to withhold or cancel the whole recruitment process of all or any post at any stage without assigning any reason.

Room No. 301, 3rd Floor, WAPDA Offices Complex, Hussainabad, Hyderabad
Contact No. 022-9260017 PBX 022-9260161 Ext. 172

Job Advertisement on 19-Jul-2021 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 19-Jul-2021
Last Date to Apply 06-Aug-2021
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Company Secretary 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A

Job Advertisement on 19-Jul-2021 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 19-Jul-2021
Last Date to Apply 03-Aug-2021
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Chief Internal Auditor 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A

Job Advertisement on 12-Jul-2021 by Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)

Total Vacencies 1
Advertisement Date 12-Jul-2021
Last Date to Apply 27-Jul-2021
Job Type Private
Vacancy Name Posts Min Qualification BPS/Scale Job Type Salary
Director General 1 Masters N/A Permanent N/A
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