Suppose A, B & C are partners, sharing profits in the ratio of 2:2:1 respectively, What will be the new ratio if C retires in the absence of an agreement?
Suppose A, B & C are partners, sharing profits in the ratio of 1/2,3/10,2/10 respectively, What will be the new ratio if B retires and his share is taken up by A and C in the ratio of 2:1.
If the incoming partner is to bring his share of goodwill is cash, and there exists any balance in goodwill account, then this goodwill account is to be written off among old partners in
Suppose the average profit of last five years is Rs.7000, normal profits Rs.4000, then the value of goodwill on the basis of three years purchase under super profits method will be
Suppose A, B & C are partners, sharing profits in the ratio of 7:4:3 respectively, What will be the new ratio if B retires in the absence of an agreement?
The share of profit to a new partner in the future profits without any express agreement as to who will contribute to new partner's share of profit is implied that old partners contribute
Suppose A, B & C are partners, sharing profits in the ratio of 1/2,1/3,1/6 respectively, What will be the new ratio if A retires in the absence of an agreement?
What will be the value of goodwill on two years purchase of the average profit of the last three years? The profit earned during the last three years are Rs. 10000, Rs.12000 and Rs.14000
The liability of the members is limited according to undertaking of members to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up,